Sports Guards, Snore Guards & Retainers

Every active person should wear a mouth guard while playing sports. Regardless of whether or not you wear braces or a retainer, it is an effective way to protect your teeth and mouth. Jaw and mouth injuries are more common than any other type of trauma experienced by athletes.

At Dr. Cabrera Dental Associates in Houston, we promote the use of sports guards to protect the teeth and gums of our patients. If you play basketball, hockey, racquetball, volleyball, football, or any other sport, Houston dentists recommend that you always play wearing a mouth guard.

There are basically three types of oral sports guards: pre-made guards, boil-and-bite fitted sports guards, and custom-made mouthguards. Make sure the one you choose is resistant to tears, easy to clean and well fitted for you.


If you wear a retainer, which is either a fixed or removable appliance is worn to hold newly aligned teeth in the correct position, it is very important for you to wear protection. Retainers are worn after a course of orthodontic treatment when your teeth have recently been straightened out. Your own Dr. Cabrera Dental Associates in Houston will show you the proper way to wear the sports guard and how to select the right choice for your situation.

Snore Guards

Patients who snore while sleeping may benefit from the use of a mandibular advancement device, or MAD. It can offer you and your loved ones a better night’s sleep. The MAD snore guard is a special oral device use to gently keep the lower jaw in a forward placement. This position increases the space between the airway passage, making breathing easier.

Some models keep the tongue from shifting backward over the windpipe. Contact your Houston dentist to schedule a consultation to discuss how you can achieve a much quieter, restless night’s sleep.

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